Tuesday, September 24, 2024

New! DBDOC for AC 800M

We have been working hard to add support for AC 800M to DBDOC.  Whether your system has both INFI 90 and AC 800M, or AC 800M only, DBDOC is now ready to provide full navigational and search support.  Simply export your AC 800M documentation using ABB tools, and DBDOC will do the rest.

Just as with INFI 90 systems, signals and documents are hyperlinked and interconnected. You can see all the uses of a function block at a glance, and double click to the block's location in the configuration.

If you have AC 800M, and are interested in finding out more, contact support@gmcl.com.

Double-click to go from graphic to the function block in the configuration.

Just as in INFI 90 systems, click on a function block hotspot to see all the places the function block is used.

Double click to get to the I/O channel source.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Hyperview in a Web Browser -- Now with No Login Needed

DBDOC 11.3 contained the initial release of Hyperview in a Web Browser.   This is a web browser based implementation of the most essential features of Hyperview, in a format suitable for use on a touch screen tablet.  More and more DBDOC clients have been trying it out, and finding it very useful.

The first version of Hyperview in a Web Browser required user logins in order to access the Hyperview "website".  Based on feedback from users, DBDOC 11.4 (the current patched version) and forward have a "no login" mode available.  This makes it extremely easy and convenient to use Hyperview in a Browser.  If you are in the correct network context, URLs for DBDOC documents will just work. 

This gives the seamless ability to include URLS like


in emails, documents, notes, etc. and have the links open without additional fuss in whatever web browser is available.  Of course, the port serving Hyperview must be open, and these links will only work inside of the intranet where a Hyperview Service is running. 

To get a URL to use this way, simply navigate to the desired document in Hyperview in a Web Browser, and copy the URL from the address field.

To run a Hyperview Service in no login mode, check the "No Login Required" option when configuring the service.

Note that to use this feature, you need the Hyperview from at least the most recent patched version of DBDOC 11.4, which you can download from the GMCL website: DBDOC Download (gmcl.com)

If you already have an earlier version of DBDOC 11.4 installed, you can obtain this updated Hyperview functionality by just updating the Hyperview Kit.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Back to Basics -- On-Site DBDOC Training

After a lengthy hiatus kicked off by the pandemic, we at GMCL are back to providing in-person classes and training for DBDOC users.  That being said, over the last four years we have become quite expert at providing online training as needed -- typically through Teams sessions -- and that is also a very effective way of providing one-on-one support and even introductory sessions for multiple DBDOC users.  But fundamentally, nothing compares with being on-site and in-person, in terms of the quality of interaction which is possible

In late April, Geoff and I were delighted to present an on-site Hyperview course to participants at Merck in West Point, Pennsylvania.  The day-long course was run three times, with about half a dozen students on each day.  There was a good mix of attendees -- mostly operators and technicians. but also engineers, managers, and contractors, all interested in getting a better understanding of how DBDOC could be useful to them.  Our contact Joe was a tremendous resource in organizing the sessions, and took an active role in helping to relate Hyperview's capabilities to areas of practical interest at the plant.

Speaking as lead Hyperview developer, teaching a class like this one is an exceptional opportunity for us as well -- our team is constantly trying to improve the usefulness and usability of the software, and there is no better reality check than observing a group of fairly novice DBDOC users getting off the ground with respect to basic functionality -- what works well, and where might there be opportunities for improvement.

This class was actually a lot of fun.  To begin, we introduced DBDOC, and how it fits into the context of the Harmony INFI 90® DCS system -- not everybody attending was familiar with the configuration layer (function blocks, CLDs), so understanding the framework of how DBDOC connects graphics to the hardware via the logic was essential.  We then introduced the DBDOC applications and how they work together, and then proceeded to teach basic Hyperview functionality interactively.  Participants had laptops with Hyperview installed, and were able to try for themselves the techniques being demonstrated.

Probably the best and most meaningful part of this particular class was the "quiz" that Joe had put together for the participants.  It consisted of practical questions about operations that could be answered quickly and easily using DBDOC -- this was an invaluable contribution to the group and to the effectiveness of the training.  Here are a couple of the questions:

  • If boiler feed water pump 9 is yellow on the graphic, what are the 4 feedbacks that could be causing this?
  • How long will the waste neutralization tank discharge if the pH is too high or too low?

Halfway through the day, the attendees worked through these questions and others, individually at first, and then collaboratively, using the DBDOC approaches they had just been introduced to.  Joe, a highly experienced DBDOC user, reviewed each question with the group afterwards, and the ensuing discussions with us and within the group were extremely effective at relating DBDOC's capabilities to the kinds of  tasks and questions that come up in practice.

In the latter part of class, we presented some of the more advanced Hyperview capabilities, and engaged in question & answer and discussion with participants. All in all, it was a very productive three days. It was also quite a wonderful leap forward into spring.   Up in the Great White North, April is still pretty much winter, but in Pennsylvania, it was green and stunningly beautiful -- blue skies and flowering trees of every description. 

Friday, March 1, 2024

Puzzles in Symphony Plus

To mark my return to blogging about DBDOC and INFI 90, I pose some puzzles.

FC 116 - Jump/Master Control Relay

I have always been curious about this function code. It is able to "jump" over block processing and

  1. and leave the skipped blocks unchanged S3= 0
  2. or zero the skipped non-forced rung blocks that are jumped S3= 1
We have data from 600 active and prospective DBDOC builds over the years. Fewer than 5% of these INFI 90 had this function block. Furthermore, many that had it at some time in the past no longer use it.

The block appears to still be supported in SPlus Engineering.

Can anybody add insight to the current thinking about FC 116?

UCB and SPO/PGP Graphics

Once upon a time, SPO SPlus Operations graphics were PGP and used files with extensions .UCBG, .UCBV and so on. This continued into SPO, where the WORK folders used them.

It is obvious that the UCB initials meant something. Can anybody indicate what those letters stood for?

Chaining of FC 126 RDEMUX Blocks

We find numerous FC 126 blocks that have the value of S3 "Block address of next block in link list" incorrect. Here is an example:

Is this an issue? Is it not an issue because the chained RDEMUX block is not used? Are there ramifications that are not apparent from the documentation?

In DBDOC builds, the error codes [316] through [319] and [325] are have the attributes that they report things that violate the rules, but we do not know if they actually cause a problem other than not actually working. If the result is not used, who cares? 

What I could check had the badly linked blocks unused generally. The puzzle is if this ever is worth reporting.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

DBDOC 11.4 is available now!

DBDOC 11.4 features important new capabilities, particularly in terms of system support.  We see the first support for ABB SPE 2.4, as well as the first implementation of AC 800M support (alone, or in a mixed INFI 90 / AC 800M system).  In addition, there are significant improvements to support for 800xA and PGP graphics, as well as numerous bug fixes and improvements to Hyperview and the rest of the applications. 

Download DBDOC 11.4 Here

Powerful new support for SPE 2.4 systems. 

  • DBDOC now supports S+ Engineering 2.4 systems. 

Initial support for AC 800M systems. 

  • DBDOC now supports mixed INFI 90 / AC 800M and exclusively AC 800M systems. 
  • Full navigational and search support is implemented. 
  • Click to see all uses of a function block, and double-click to go to its location in the configuration.
  • Multipage sequence diagrams are automatically merged for easy visualization and navigation. 

Improved support for 800xA graphics 

  • BBA folders as well as ASSYST folders now searched by the build system. 
  • Improvements to hotspot generation, placement, and sizing. 
  • Improvements to dynamic bar support, and identification of more horizontal dynamic bars. 
  • Text handling improved to make search more correct and complete. 

Improved support for SPlus graphics 

  • Improved handling of SPO 3.3 .mimic & .bin files 
  • Many improvements to hotspot, link, and text generation and placement. 

Multi-user BuildPlus buildroots 

  • BuildPlus should now automatically and seamlessly handle multiple users, even of different privilege levels, seeing the same buildroots. 

Hyperview in a Web Browser 

  • Various and sundry bug fixes and improvements to functionality and usability.
  • More browsing and navigation idioms supported, such as browse and synch to table of contents. 
  • All dbdoc file “documents” can be accessed transparently via a regular web browser url. 


  • Recall search results with “R” key 
  • The database of a search result is now displayed in database search results. 
  • Title searches are now retained after restart, for convenience. 

Hyperview miscellaneous 

  • Due to popular demand, Treeview Table of Contents has been fully reinstated. 
  • Double click on a signal line on CAD/CLD goes to block source. 

Live data 

  • Blue “EXTERNAL” is no longer  shown for unfetchable live data on graphics. 
  • Stop fetching data for a block if Destination Node Offline error is received.

Monday, May 2, 2022

DBDOC 11.3 -- Ready to download!

DBDOC 11.3 is an important release that revamps the basic Hyperview interface, provides notably improved support for SPO and 800xA/PG2 graphics, enhanced integration of SPE 2.x, improved AutoCAD and MicroStation support, and live data reliability improvements. It also contains the prototype release of Hyperview in A Browser.

Download DBDOC 11.3 Here

New Hyperview navigation & hotspot interaction.

  • Hyperview now supports a “drag-pan” and “scroll-zoom” as its default interface, for better usability and compatibility with a touch-screen context.
  • Hotspots highlight interactively when you mouse over them.

Improvements to error browser, search & thumbnail support.

  • Errors can now be grouped by file type, including graphics type.
  • Context of surrounding words for search hits can now be displayed.
  • Thumbnails can be enabled separately for CAD/CLDs and general graphics.

Powerful new support for SPO and SPE 2.x systems.

  • BuildPlus “automagically” detects and builds the most recent version of time/date stamped data for SPO SPlus Operations Databases and SPE 2.x Backups, without the need to rename and copy these files
  • In many cases SPE 2.x can be now integrated automatically by BuildPlus without requiring an SPE backup at all.

Improved graphics support.

  • Ongoing improvements to hotspot placement, live data, fonts and colors in SPO graphics.
  • Many improvements to 800xA/PG2 graphics, including better hotspot placement, split Auto/Manual and Cascade/Ratio hotspots, more live data hotspots.

Improved AutoCAD & MicroStation support.

  • Support for AutoCAD ODA 21.11
  • Proper handling of MicroStation files with unicode names.

Live data reliability.

  • Ongoing improvements to Relay and Collector modes.
  • Data fetches are suppressed for the relevant block when certain HOPC errors are encountered, preventing stalls.

Hyperview in a Browser initial release

  • Hyperview in a Browser prototype release: Hyperview’s basic functionality in a touch-screen friendly web browser framework, suitable for tablets over wifi on your LAN, and most browsers on any networked machine.
  • Hyperview in a Browser supports basic navigation, search, and live data.
  • Hyperview in a Browser works on desktop and tablets, in Edge, Chrome, Safari, and Firefox, in all versions and platforms more recent than October 2017.
Give us a call if you would like to try out Hyperview in a Browser! It's not hard to set up, and we can walk you through it.  There is documentation here

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Presenting DBDOC 11.2 Feature Update!

DBDOC depends on feedback from you, our clients, to provide better and better support for graphics and other system features, as well as support for the ways you actually use DBDOC.

DBDOC 11.2 Feature Update is an improvement on DBDOC 11.2 that addresses issues that came to light as 11.2 was used in the field over the past few months.  If you are upgrading, DBDOC 11.2 Feature Update is now the preferred upgrade version, and is available here.  

What does 11.2 Feature Update add to 11.2?

Improved S+ Support

Most significantly, your feedback on DBDOC 11.2 has provided enough information to make a number of improvements to our support for SPlus graphics, such as the following: 
  • Direct links to Station block PV, SP and MA blocks in more instances
  • Handling duplicate column names in SPO tag database file
  • Numerous places where appearance is improved in SPO graphics
  • Elimination of many unnecessary live-value hotspots
Please continue to let us know when you see issues with your graphics, text, or hotspot placement.  DBDOC's graphics support involves a fair amount of reverse engineering, and we are constantly learning more about the file formats we are supporting.

@Values like Set Point (SP) and Process Value (PV) on SPlus graphics were erroneously linking to the base Station Block, instead of the appropriate SP or PV blocks.  This is corrected in 11.2 Feature Update.

Live Specs on Ladder

In another area, in response to client feedback, Hyperview has added full support for the "new" live specs on ladder diagrams (not just CAD/CLD diagrams).   Prior to DBDOC 11.1, live specs were implemented as a form of live loop annotation, but this could be a highly inefficient use of live data bandwidth, as almost never changing specs were fetched as often as other sorts of live data.  In DBDOC 11.1, specs were integrated with layered specs, and comparisons between live and static specs were automated (read more here).  However, on our first pass, we missed adding this feature to ladder diagrams.   This has now been corrected, and clients with ladder diagrams can now enjoy full-featured and bandwidth-efficient live specs.

Press S on Ladder Diagrams to show integrated live specs, automatically highlighting discrepancies between live and static values on wired inputs and other specs.

Working CIUMON Interaction with ABB HAOPC

Several clients encountered a problem where CIUMON was found to be receiving data only once every 10 seconds from HAOPC.  This has now was fixed and has been subsequently verified in three different client systems.

Documentation for Custom Function Codes

11.2 Feature Update generates automatic documentation of the inputs, outputs, and specifications of custom function code blocks.

In addition a variety of other minor fixes and additions are included in DBDOC 11.2 Feature Update.   Please contact support @ gmcl.com if you have any questions about what has changed.  It's entirely possible that issues you have seen in earlier versions are now fixed, and if not, we want to know!